Apply For Funding
The George Crawford Legacy Trust is here to help young people of all abilities and from every background. If you have the drive and determination to go further and achieve a better outcome for yourself, we would love to hear for you to apply for funding.
George had no boundaries and went out of his way to include everyone in his happy world.
We want to make your world happy!
We want to help as many young people as we can realise their dreams.
We know that having put in your application, you don’t want to be waiting for months to know if you’ve been successful or not.
Our Trustees get together once a quarter to read through all the inspiring applications that have come in. They then decide which ones match our ethos and how the Trust can best help them.

Who can apply for funding from the Trust?
Young people of all physical and mental abilities, from all walks of life, who would like to reach their full potential can apply.
How to apply
Applicants are invited to apply in writing, stating:
- The amount you are applying for (there are no min/max amounts).
- What you envisage spending the money on and what, if any, contribution you can make yourself.
- How the grant would positively impact on your life.
- Please include any “action” photos of yourself working or striving to be your best.
The Trustees will meet on a quarterly basis to review applications.
- Closing date 31st March – reviewed April
- Closing date 30th June – reviewed July
- Closing date 30th September – reviewed October
- Closing date 31st December – reviewed January
These meetings will take place in April, July, October and January and each application will be considered on individual merit. For consideration in the next quarterly meeting, please have your application in by the last day of the preceding month.
You will then be informed of the outcome of your application in writing.
Should you be successful, the funds will be released either in a lump sum or in stages, according to the nature of the application.
All applications should be sent, along with your name, address and contact details to:
or post your details to our address:
The George Crawford Legacy Trust
Estate Office
Melrose TD6 9BN