Angus Bruce – Enduro Bike Rider


Angus initially started racing a few years ago after having went to some Enduro events with his Dad to see what they were all about (Dad was an ex Multi time Scottish Champion, British Champion and International Medal winner). Angus soon got the bug and started to help Marshall and setup a lot of Scottish events along with his Dad and Sister Sophie. Due to his age he was not allowed to compete in the adult events but was to make his debut in a newly formed youth section allowed to race in hare and hounds events. He was to go on and win the winter series that year.


In 2017 he was old enough to compete against the adults in hare and hound event’s, he again went onto win the ‘Sportsman’ class even after having suffered a broken leg playing ‘tig’ with our pet dog early on in the season. He later suffered cellulitus which became life threating at one point. This again knocked him back a bit but he fought through to win the championship after also borrowing a friends bike to compete on after selling his Ktm 85 and ordering a new Ktm 125 which wasn’t due to arrive until mid season.


 The following year with special permission from the governing body of the sport he was allowed to compete against the adults in Enduro event’s.


Unfortunately Angus was felled with Glandular fever over the winter and was not at his best for the start of the season which was a two day Enduro at Lossiemouth which surprising everybody he went onto win convincingly. Due to a mixture of illness and holidays he missed some events but finished the season as the Scottish ‘Clubman B’ champion at Hare and Hounds and managing a 3rd place in the Enduro Championship at ‘Clubman B’ level (Only a few points behind the leaders even after missing several rounds). With the end of the season in November came yet another setback with Angus becoming very ill with  Myalgic Encephalomyelitis  (ME).  He had missed most of the season (as well as school) and was only just starting to show an interest in the bikes again, managing to get out twice in May/June for about an hour and a half in total since November. We all went away on holiday in June hoping that it would help recharge his batteries only to come back to find our garage broken into and his racing bike gone.


 An advert placed in the Southern was in hope that somebody might have seen something which may help to get his bike back.



An unexpected result of the advert was Cameron getting in touch on behalf of the GCLT and offering a donation to get Angus back into the sport again. It has turned out to be a great tonic for Angus as since the theft he had started to deteriorate again. Initially it was going to be 2020 before we could afford a new bike but with the generous help from the GCLT and a bit of financial juggling Angus is now the proud owner of a New KTM 250. He has already been out on it a few times and it is as though he has a new lease of life with a smile permanently on his face and is now going from strength to strength with every day that passes. He has been out Marshalling at a few events and is starting to build his strength up with a view to resume his racing career in 2020.

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